Wotankeld |
▼ジャール |
Greetings,Ragnar. I hope you feel fit,and ready for your final training with Ulf. Drink mead from my table to fortify yourself,my son.
You must continue your studies of the ways of war,son. Wisdom will come with experience,and you'll have need of both in these dark times. Slaughter and destructions sweeps across the land,and I fear it approaches our own village.
Your mother and I are proud of you,my son. In time,you will take my place and sit in the cheiftain's seat in the village longhouse.
母と私はおまえを誇りに思っている、息子よ。時が来れば私に代わり、共同住居の cheiftain (liutenant?)の職につくだろう。
Be on your way,son. Despite the ceremony,you must face Ulf before you can truly call yourself a warrior. He awaits you in the longhouse!
▼友達 |
Ragnar...It's fair time the village added your sword to our ranks,frined. Did Ulf...? No. I can see you've yet to visit the weapons master...heh heh.
And old man and a girl just came into the village,and they told up that Conrack's men are burning the Grove of the Gods!
Ragnar,go see Ulf at the longhouse,and we'll get a cup of mead afterwards. I swear not to laugh at your bruises.
Don't let me frighten you away from the weaponmaster.my friend.I am certian your sword arm is strong enough to complete the training...
▼シガード |
Apparently, the weapons master doesn't share the village's high opinion. He waits to test your skills in the longhouse.
You may have bested me in single combat,but we will cross swords again one day.And then we'll see if your skills are all the elders think they are!
Do you seek your courage,boy? If you don't feel readly to face Ulf,perhaps you'll meet ME behind the stables. I promise to tell no-one who lopped off your sword hand.
不安なのかい、少年? まだウルフに立ち向かえないと感じてるなら、ひょっとすると厩舎の影でオレに会えるぜ。おまえの利き腕を切り落とすやつに話さないことは約束する。
Stop running around like a frightened lamb,and get to the longhouse!
▼船守 |
Ragnar! How are you boy--Ah,I forgot myself. A warrior and a man now,aren't you? Congratulations,warrior!
ラグナー! 元気か少年?…あーっとうっかりしてた。戦士となり成人したんだっけか? おめでとう、戦士さん!
If you see any rope on the way to the longhouse,be sure to bring it down.
We need to keep the ship well provisioned.
One does not keep Ulf waiting..unless you would like another scar.
Let me your aid later,warrior. The swordmaster waits you in the longhouse.
▼長老 |
Greetings,young warrior. May Odin guide your sword on the field of battle!
Strength of arm will not always be enough. A true warrior must keep his mind and spirit strong to face the enemies of Odin...
Defending the Runestones of Odin is a sacred charge,Ragnar. You are brave indeed to carry on this hallowed tradition.
I am certain that you will win Odin's favor on the battlefield,warrior. But the trial in the lounghouse awaits you first...
▼ウルフ |
Ragnar! After the many hours you've trained this room,one might think you would know better than to keep me waiting!
ラグナー! この部屋で長い間訓練してきたので、私を待たせるほどバカではないな。
You're good,boy,but don't think I can't cut a stripling down to size!
You may have bested Sigard and been named to the Odinsblade,yet the ceremony at the Runestone is nothing but words...
Tradition say that before you truly become a man you must face the most skilled warrior in the village. You must face ME.
This is the true trial:defeat me in combat,and your place among us as a warrior is assured! Defend yourself!
コレは真の試練だ:戦いで私を倒せば戦士として我々に加われることが証明される! さぁいくぞ!
▼緊急事態 |
Messsengers on the beach! Conrack has besieged Kopperud and their Runestone is under attack! We go to their aid!
海岸に使者がきました! コンラックが Kopperud を包囲し彼らのルーンストーンが攻撃されています! 我々は援護に行きます!
It seems we have completed your training just in time,Ragnar! To the longship!
ちょうど修行は終わったようだな、ラグナー! 船へ行くぞ!